Leave a Gift in your Will

Chandini on the balcony of her room at Cottage Hospice

Hospice care makes all the difference.

Help create moments that matter with a Gift in your Will.

For over four decades, we have been dedicated to providing outstanding end-of-life support to our community. Our work at Hospice in the Weald is only possible due to the generosity and kindness provided by supporters like you. A Gift in your Will could help us ensure people who need us receive comfort, dignity and compassion during the most challenging moments.

Gift in Wills image of Steve and Mr Wooster the dog

Why leave a Gift in your Will?

Because you can make all the difference…

Leaving a gift in your Will to the Hospice in the Weald is a profound way to have an impact for generations to come. Whether it’s having a room with a view, bringing the outdoors in or planting seeds that will flower for years to come, hospice care is special.

Being together and creating special memories that matter, as a whole family is so important. Your Gift allows us to provide a place that allows people to be who they are.

Your Gift means counselling for a recently bereaved daughter. It means physiotherapy for a man who wants to get back on the golf course. It means fun days out and happy memories for a family with a child with a complex and life-limiting condition.

Your Gift means a husband and wife spending their final hours together, in peace. It means a dad staying at home for family Christmases and birthdays. It means someone making new friends in our Hospice choir, or helping the next patient in our End of Life Matters group.

When you leave a Gift in your Will to Hospice in the Weald, you give us the time and ability to remember the details that make days better, to go the extra mile when every moment matters. To make all the difference for our community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I make a Will? 

Writing a will gives you the control and peace of mind that when you are gone your estate will be given to the correct people. Without a will, everything you own will be divided up according to the law which might be against your wishes. Not only does a will make sure your money, property or possessions go where you want them to, it makes the whole process easier for your friends and family. 

What information do I need to include Hospice in the Weald in my Will?

If you choose to include Hospice in the Weald in your will, you will need the following information:  

  • Our Charity Number: 280276
  • Our Charity Name: Hospice in the Weald
  • Our Address:
    Hospice in the Weald,  
    Maidstone Road 
    Tunbridge Wells 
    TN2 4TA  
What if I already have a will but I now want to include Hospice in the Weald? 

It’s easy to add Hospice in the Weald to your will, you can add a legal document to it known as a Codicil Form and update it at any time.

Are there any tax benefits for leaving a gift in my will? 

Yes, there are. Charities are exempt from inheritance tax and the value of your estate will be calculated after your charitable donations.  

As well as the gift itself being tax-free, charitable gifts can also reduce the amount of inheritance tax that the rest of your estate will pay. If you give at least 10% of your taxable estate to charity, the inheritance tax rate for the rest of your estate drops from 40% to 36%. 

Can I choose how you use my gift?

We appreciate you would prefer to know exactly how your gift is being used but it would be useful for us if you don’t specify how we use your gift. This is so it can be used in the place most needed at the time. We promise to you that we will always use your gift responsibly and effectively. 

If I choose to leave a gift in my will, can I change my mind later?

Yes of course you can. A will is your own personal document. You can change it at any time, and you don’t need to tell us.

Get your Gift in Wills Brochure

If you would like more information about the impact of leaving a gift to Hospice in the Weald and how to do it, please complete the form below and we will send you a brochure in the post or by email.